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Knowledge Terminology

The following terms are used when describing Salesforce Knowledge features and functionality.
Archived Article
Archived articles were published but later withdrew from public visibility. Article Managers can view and manage archived articles on the Article Management tab by clicking the Articles tab in the View area and choosing archived articles . Archived articles are not visible in the tab articles or public knowledge base. Articles can be archived manually or automatically via an expiration date.
Items capture information on products and services you want to make your company available in your knowledge base .
Article Manager
Salesforce uses the term product manager to represent a specific type of user. Managers of the article can access the Article Management tab to create , modify, sublicense , publish, archive and delete articles . Article managers are sometimes referred to as knowledge managers. Article managers require the “Manage Articles” user permission. The Article Management tab is not visible to users without “Manage Articles.”
Article Type
All articles in Salesforce Knowledge are assigned to a type of article . An item type determines the type of content it contains, its appearance, and users can access it. A more complex type of product may require dozens of fields organized into several sections. Using models and templates , administrators can structure the type of article in the most efficient way of its particular content. User access to article types is controlled by permissions. For each type of item , an administrator can grant "Create" , "Play" , "Edit" or "Delete" permissions to users
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A standard article layout allows administrators to create sections that organize the fields on an item, and select users can view and edit fields . One layout is available per article type. Administrators modify the layout from the article-type detail page.
Article-Type Template
A model - type of article specifies how the sections in the article type of layout are rendered. An article type can have a different template for each of its four channels. For the table of contents model , the sections defined in the layout appear on one page when the article is displayed. Salesforce provides two types of standard models article, Tab and table of contents. Custom templates can be created with Visualforce.
Category Group for Articles
In Salesforce Knowledge , a group of category organizes the categories of data in a logical hierarchy .
Sales Regions and Business Units
Sales Regions category group could consist of a geographic hierarchy , like all sales regions the highest level in North America, Europe and Asia in the second level, and so on up to five levels. When creating articles, the authors attribute the relevant categories in section . End users seeking articles can search and filter by category.
A channel refers to the medium through which an article. Salesforce Knowledge provides four channels which you can make items available.
*. Internal App : Salesforce users can access articles in the Articles tab depending on their role visibility.
*. Customer: Customers can access articles if the Articles tab is available in a community or Customer Portal. Customer users inherit the role visibility of the manager on the account. In a community, the article is only available to users with Customer Community or Customer Community Plus licenses.
*. Partner: Partners can access articles if the Articles tab is available in a community or partner portal. Partner users inherit the role visibility of the manager on the account. In a community, the article is only available to users with Partner Community licenses.
*. Public Knowledge Base: Articles can be made available to anonymous users by creating a public knowledge base using the Sample Public Knowledge Base for Salesforce Knowledge app from the AppExchange. Creating a public knowledge base requires Sites and Visualforce. Your own website. Articles can be made available to users through your company website.
Data Category for Articles
In Salesforce Knowledge , data categories are a set of criteria hierarchically organized into categories groups. Articles in the Knowledge Base can be classified into several categories to make it easy for users to find the items they need. Sales Regions category group could consist of a geographic hierarchy , like all sales regions the highest level in North America, Europe and Asia in the second level, and so on up to five levels. The authors cede categories to articles. Administrators can use the categories of data to control access to the articles.
Draft Article
The draft articles are in progress items that are not published , meaning they are not visible in the Articles tab (in one channel ) or in a public knowledge base. Managers of the article can access articles on the Article tab management projects by clicking on the Articles tab in the View area and choosing the draft. You can filter the draft articles by those assigned to you or those assigned to anyone. The draft articles can be assigned to any user involved in the editorial work .
Draft Translation
Project translations are translations of articles in several languages ​​courses. They have not been published , which means they are not visible in the tab or items in a public knowledge base. Managers of the article can access projects translations on the Materials Management tab by clicking the translations in the View area and choosing Project translations tab. You can filter the projects by those translations which you are assigned , those assigned to a translation queue , or those assigned to anyone. Translations can be assigned to any user who can publish articles Salesforce Knowledge .
Knowledge Agent
Salesforce uses the long-term knowledge of agent to represent a specific type of user. Knowledge workers are the consumers section in the internal application of Salesforce Knowledge . These users can access the Items tab to search and view articles, but they can not create, edit or manage items.
Published Article
The articles published are available on the tab items in the internal application and , if appropriate , in the customer portal , partner portal , and the base of public knowledge. To remove a published article, you can check or change its status as a "project" in Article Management tab. To access articles published on the Materials Management tab, click the tab items in the Show field and select the articles published .
Published Translation
Translations are published articles translated into many languages ​​that are available on the tab items in the internal application and , if appropriate , in the customer portal , partner portal , and the base of public knowledge. To remove a published translation , you can check or change its status as a "project" in Article Management tab. To access translations published articles on the Management tab , click the Translations tab in the Show box and choose published translations .